After a long time, today has finally seen the light the paper “Consolidated phalangeal fracture in the Eocene sea turtle Osonachelus decorata from Vic (Catalonia, NE Spain)” in the BATALLERIA magazine. The authors are Albert MARTINEZ-SILVESTRE, Francesc FARRES, Antoni ADELL , Judit VILA i Agnès AMBLAS.
The article describes the left hind-limb pathology of the marine turtle Osonachelus decorata, which lived during the Eocene (50 million years ago) in the ancient Osona (Barcelona) sea.
Here you may visit the article page:
Here you may download the full article: Fractura consolidada en una falange de la tortuga marina
Osonachelus decorata del Eoceno de Vic (Cataluña, NE España). BATALLERIA 2020