Aquest divendres dia 5 d’abril, de 17.30 a 19h amb les activitats d’inauguració de la Rambla Sant Domènec oferirem un taller gratuït de Papercutting a càrrec de Lalalab! Si fa bo, el farem a fora al carrer on la resta de comerços i l’ajuntament oferiran jocs, pica-piques, activitats, música, etc. Si augura pluja, cap problema! A dins del nostre taller-estudi hi ha espai per a tothom!

Hi esteu tots convidats!!

This Friday, April 5th, from 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the opening activities of the Rambla Sant Domènec we are offering a free Papercutting workshop by Lalalab! If the weather is calm, we will do it outdoors and we will join the rest of the shops that are preparing games, food, activities, music, etc. If it is going to rain, no problem! Inside our workshop-studio there is room for everyone! You are all invited!